SEO Agency vs Freelancer: Making the Right Choice

seo agency vs freelancer making the right choice
  • 14 Minutes to read

Table of Content

  1. What is an SEO Agency?
  2. Who is an SEO Freelancer?
  3. SEO Agency vs Freelancer: Key Differences
  4. Benefits of Hiring an SEO Agency
  5. Challenges of Working With an SEO Agency
  6. Benefits of Hiring an SEO Freelancer
  7. Challenges of Working With an SEO Freelancer
  8. When to Hire an SEO Agency?
  9. When to Hire an SEO Freelancer?
  10. Conclusion
  11. FAQs on SEO Agency vs Freelancer

So, you want to get your business in front of online searchers and bring in qualitative leads. Then, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is for you!

While you will want to do it yourself, the learning curve and constantly changing search engine algorithms might create challenges. To do SEO the right way and achieve that 22.4% click-through rate that top-ranking results get, you need to hire experts.

You have two options to choose from: SEO agencies and freelancers. Both options come with their own pros and cons.

Choosing between an SEO agency and a freelancer can be challenging, but you don’t need to worry. In this blog, we will provide in-depth insights into both options and help you make the right choice for your business. So, let’s get started:

What is an SEO Agency?

An SEO agency is a specialized company that focuses on optimizing websites to improve their visibility on search engines like Google.

Unlike a freelance SEO professional (who might be a generalist), an SEO agency typically employs a team of experts, each specializing in different aspects of SEO. This includes keyword research, content development, technical SEO, and link building, among others.

By leveraging the skills of multiple specialists, an SEO company can develop a comprehensive strategy that covers all aspects of SEO, from the foundational elements to advanced tactics, ensuring that a website is fully optimized to rank higher in search engine results.

Key Characteristics of an SEO Agency:

  • Team of Experts: Multiple specialists in areas like keyword research, content creation, technical SEO, and link building.
  • Comprehensive Strategy: Ability to cover every aspect of SEO, from on-page content to technical backend elements.
  • End-to-End Service: Execution of an SEO strategy from planning to implementation and ongoing optimization.

Who is an SEO Freelancer?

A freelance SEO expert is a specialist who focuses on enhancing a website’s visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Unlike an SEO agency or a full-time in-house team, an SEO freelancer operates independently and is typically hired on a project basis. Their main goal is to help businesses attract more organic traffic by improving their search engine rankings. Freelancers can provide a wide range of services, like keyword research, traffic monitoring, content development, competitive analysis, and link building.

Freelancers can be hired for short-term tasks, like optimizing a specific page, or for ongoing projects, such as managing your entire SEO strategy. This flexibility makes them a popular choice for businesses of all sizes, especially those with budget constraints.

SEO Agency vs Freelancer: Key Differences

CriteriaSEO AgencySEO Freelancer
CostHigher fees, often with a minimum retainer. SEO agencies may also offer tiered pricing plans that include a range of services.Generally more affordable, flexible pricing. Freelancers may charge by the hour or project, making it easier to budget for specific needs.
ExpertiseA diverse team with a variety of skills, including technical SEO, content creation, and link building. This can be particularly useful for comprehensive strategies.Specialized knowledge, often focused on a niche. Freelancers may have deep expertise in specific areas, such as local SEO or content strategy.
ResourcesAccess to advanced tools, technologies, and sometimes proprietary software. Agencies often have subscriptions to premium tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz, offering a broader analytical perspective.Limited to the freelancer’s own tools. Freelancers may rely on free or lower-cost tools, but they might also invest in premium tools depending on their experience level.
CommunicationStructured communication with multiple points of contact, such as account managers, SEO specialists, and content creators. This can sometimes slow down decision-making.Direct, often faster responses. Working with a freelancer means you’re typically dealing with one person, leading to quicker decisions and adjustments.
ScalabilityCan handle large, complex projects and scale resources as needed. Agencies can allocate additional team members or adjust strategies as your business grows.Best for smaller projects, limited capacity. Freelancers might struggle with very large projects due to limited bandwidth, but they excel in focused, manageable tasks.
ConsistencyEstablished processes, generally reliable. Agencies have standardized workflows and quality control measures in place, ensuring consistent results.Depends on the individual freelancer. The quality and consistency of work can vary based on the freelancer’s workload and experience.
AccountabilityContractual obligations, more formal. Agencies are bound by contracts and are more likely to offer guarantees, making them accountable for delivering results.Informal, reputation-based. Freelancers rely heavily on their reputation and client referrals, making them highly motivated to deliver good results, though with less formal accountability.
TransparencyDepends on the agency but can be challenging. Some agencies may not be fully transparent about the strategies and tools they use or the time they dedicate to your project.Generally more transparent, what you see is what you get. Freelancers often provide direct insight into their methods and are usually open about their progress.
CommitmentYou’re one of many clients. Agencies often juggle multiple clients at once, which can sometimes lead to divided attention.Higher commitment to your success. Freelancers often have a smaller client base, allowing them to give more personalized attention and be more invested in your project’s success.

Benefits of Hiring an SEO Agency

Hiring an SEO agency can offer several advantages, especially if your business has the budget to invest in a full-scale SEO strategy. Here’s why:

Extensive Experience & Proven Track Record

SEO agencies have a diverse range of clients across various industries. This broad experience allows them to quickly assess the strengths and weaknesses of a website and develop a targeted SEO strategy that addresses specific needs.

Over time, they build a robust portfolio that showcases their success stories, giving potential clients confidence in their ability to deliver results.

  • Industry Knowledge: Familiarity with SEO trends and best practices across different sectors.
  • Portfolio of Success: Demonstrable results that can reassure clients of their expertise.

The agency’s experience also informs the SEO strategies they create for your business, allowing them to tailor their approach based on what has worked for similar companies. This can lead to a more effective and customized strategy, increasing the likelihood of achieving the desired outcomes.

Can Be Trusted to Work with Your Website

Handing over control of your website to a third party can be a daunting task. However, SEO agencies often come with a strong reputation in the industry, built on years of successful client relationships. This reputation, combined with the fact that agencies typically work in teams, provides a level of oversight and accountability that can make them more trustworthy than an individual freelancer.

  • Reputation: Established credibility and trustworthiness in the industry.
  • Team Oversight: Multiple experts working together, providing checks and balances to ensure quality work.

Because SEO companies have likely worked with a variety of websites and technologies, they are well-equipped to handle your website’s SEO needs without jeopardizing its integrity. This means you can collaborate more effectively, knowing that your site is in safe hands.

Can Execute a Comprehensive SEO Strategy

SEO is a complex and multifaceted field that involves much more than just sprinkling keywords throughout your website. It includes:

  • On-Site Content Writing: Creating high-quality content that aligns with target keywords.
  • Keyword Research: Identifying the most effective keywords to target based on search volume and competition.
  • Backlink Profile Building: Developing a network of quality backlinks to enhance domain authority.
  • Technical SEO: Managing elements like website architecture, robots.txt files, internal linking, and 404 errors.

Given the broad scope of SEO, it’s nearly impossible for a single individual to master all these areas, especially when time is a factor.

An SEO company, however, has a team of specialists who can tackle each aspect of your SEO strategy. This comprehensive approach increases the chances of seeing measurable improvements in your website’s search engine rankings.

Available for a Lasting Partnership

SEO is not a one-time project; it requires ongoing efforts to maintain and improve your website’s rankings as competitors adjust their strategies and search engine algorithms evolve.

SEO companies are well-suited to form long-term partnerships with businesses, offering retainer agreements or extended contracts that ensure continuous monitoring and optimization of your site.

  • Ongoing Optimization: Regular updates and tweaks to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to algorithm changes.
  • Flexible Partnership Models: Options for retainers or longer contracts based on your needs.

Whether you need a partner who spends a few hours a week monitoring your site’s performance or one who handles every aspect of your SEO strategy from start to finish, an SEO agency can provide the support necessary to achieve lasting success.

Challenges of Working With an SEO Agency

While there are many benefits to hiring an SEO agency, it’s important to also consider the potential challenges:

Can Take a Long Time to See the Results

One of the biggest challenges with SEO, in general, is that it can take time to see significant results. SEO is a long-term strategy, and improvements in search engine rankings often don’t happen overnight. This can be particularly challenging when working with an SEO agency, as the cost of their services might be hard to justify if results aren’t immediately apparent.

  • Delayed Results: SEO improvements can take months to become noticeable.
  • Management Buy-In: The need to convince upper management to continue the investment despite the lack of immediate results.

If your business leaders don’t fully understand the nature of SEO, they might become impatient and push to terminate the partnership before the strategy has had a chance to succeed.

More Expensive Than SEO Freelancers

SEO agencies typically charge more than individual freelancers, primarily because they offer more resources, a team-based approach, and often have established reputations. The cost can vary based on several factors:

  • Service Scope: The range of services provided, from basic audits to comprehensive SEO campaigns.
  • Location: Where the agency is based can influence pricing.
  • Experience Level: More experienced agencies often charge higher fees.

While the higher cost can be justified by the potential for greater results, it’s essential to ensure that your business has the budget to sustain a partnership with an SEO agency.

May Require Long-Term Contracts

Given the time it takes for SEO strategies to be effective, many agencies require long-term contracts. These contracts protect the agency by ensuring they have enough time to implement their strategies and start seeing results. However, this can be a downside for businesses that need more flexibility or are operating on a tight budget.

  • Contract Length: Long-term commitments that may not suit all businesses.
  • Budget Constraints: Difficulty in committing to long-term contracts if funds are limited.

Freelancers, on the other hand, often offer more flexibility, allowing you to hire them on a project-by-project basis without long-term commitments.

May Not Be as Invested in Your Success

SEO agencies often juggle multiple clients simultaneously, which can sometimes mean that your project doesn’t get the attention it deserves. While agencies are generally skilled at managing their workload, the reality is that they may not be as deeply invested in your success as an in-house team or a dedicated freelancer.

  • Shared Focus: Agencies may divide their attention across multiple clients.
  • Client Relationships: The level of investment in your project may vary depending on the agency’s priorities.

Building a strong, communicative relationship with your SEO agency can help mitigate this risk and ensure that your project remains a priority.

Benefits of Hiring an SEO Freelancer

Hiring a freelance SEO expert comes with many advantages, especially when you’re looking for cost-effectiveness and flexibility. Below are some key benefits you can expect:

Cost-Effective SEO Solutions

Hiring a freelance SEO expert is often much more affordable than engaging a full-service SEO agency or maintaining an in-house team. Here’s why:

  • Lower Costs: Freelancers typically charge by the hour or per project, allowing businesses to control spending more effectively.
  • Customizable Services: You only pay for the services you actually need. For example, if your primary concern is optimizing website content or managing your Google My Business account, a freelancer can focus on those tasks without the additional costs associated with a full SEO audit.
  • Negotiable Terms: Freelancers often offer flexible contracts, enabling you to negotiate the scope of work and payment terms that best fit your budget and needs.

For small businesses or startups with limited marketing budgets, a freelance SEO expert can provide the essential SEO support needed to improve search rankings without the financial burden of a full-time hire.

Flexible Scheduling and Engagement

One of the standout benefits of working with a freelance SEO expert is the flexibility they offer:

  • Short-Term or Long-Term Engagements: Freelancers can be brought on for a brief project or retained for ongoing support, depending on your needs. This means you can scale your SEO efforts up or down as required.
  • Adaptability: Freelancers can work on a variety of tasks and are often available outside of standard business hours, making them a good fit for businesses that need quick turnarounds or have irregular schedules.
  • Easy Collaboration: Once a project is completed, you can pause the relationship and resume it later when new needs arise, making it easy to manage your SEO efforts over time.

This level of flexibility allows you to adjust your SEO strategy according to your current business goals without being locked into a long-term contract.

In-Depth Knowledge of SEO Trends

Freelance SEO experts are often well-versed in the latest SEO trends and best practices:

  • Specialized Expertise: Many freelancers have years of experience working in SEO agencies or as part of in-house marketing teams before going solo. This background gives them a deep understanding of how to optimize websites effectively.
  • Up-to-Date with Industry Changes: SEO is a constantly evolving field, with search engines regularly updating their algorithms. Freelancers often stay on top of these changes and can quickly adjust strategies to maintain or improve your site’s rankings.
  • Custom Strategies: A freelance SEO expert can develop a tailored SEO strategy that aligns with your specific business needs and goals, just like an agency would.

However, it’s crucial to thoroughly assess a freelancer’s experience and past work to ensure they have the expertise needed for your project.

Seamless Collaboration with Your Marketing Team

Freelancers can easily integrate into your existing marketing team, providing specialized SEO support without the need for a full-time hire:

  • Collaborative Approach: When you find the right freelancer, they can work closely with your team, offering insights and ideas that complement your overall marketing strategy.
  • Strong Communication: A good freelancer will take the time to understand your business goals, target audience, and strategic initiatives, ensuring that their SEO efforts align with your broader objectives.
  • Flexible Support: Whether you need help with a specific aspect of SEO or require ongoing support, a freelancer can adjust their involvement to match your team’s needs.

This collaboration allows you to enhance your team’s capabilities without the commitment of hiring a new employee.

Challenges of Working With an SEO Freelancer

While there are many benefits to hiring a freelance SEO expert, there are also some challenges you should consider:

Potential Lack of Technical SEO Expertise

While many freelance SEO experts are skilled in areas like content development and link building, they may lack the technical expertise needed to address complex website issues:

  • Limited Technical Skills: An individual freelancer may be proficient in on-page SEO, content creation, and backlinking but might struggle with more advanced technical SEO tasks, such as site architecture optimization or resolving crawl errors.
  • Dependence on Your Development Team: If technical issues arise, your freelancer might need to rely on your in-house development team to implement fixes, which could slow down the process.
  • Broader Expertise Needed for Complex Projects: An SEO agency typically has a diverse team with specialists in various aspects of SEO, ensuring that all areas of your website’s SEO are covered. This level of expertise can be harder to find in a single freelancer.

If your website requires significant technical improvements, you may need to consider whether a freelancer has the necessary skills or if an agency might be a better fit.

Short-Term Engagements May Limit Long-Term Success

SEO is a long-term investment, and seeing significant results can take time:

  • Ongoing Effort Required: Effective SEO involves continuous monitoring of keyword rankings, website performance, and traffic, as well as regular content updates and technical optimizations. A short-term project may not provide the lasting impact you’re looking for.
  • Risk of Declining Rankings: If you stop investing in SEO after a short-term engagement, your site’s rankings could quickly decline, undoing the progress made.
  • Consistency is Key: Long-term partnerships, whether with a freelancer or an agency, are often more effective in sustaining and improving SEO performance over time.

While you can hire a freelancer for long-term contracts, an SEO agency may offer more consistent support over an extended period, which can be crucial for maintaining momentum in your SEO efforts.

Limited Access to Advanced SEO Tools

SEO professionals rely on a range of tools to analyze website performance, monitor keyword rankings, and conduct competitor analysis:

  • Cost of Tools: Many advanced SEO tools require expensive subscriptions, which may be beyond the reach of individual freelancers. Without access to these tools, a freelancer might not be able to provide the in-depth analysis that your site needs.
  • Additional Costs: You may need to cover the cost of these tools yourself or provide your freelancer with access to your existing subscriptions.
  • Tool Familiarity: An SEO agency typically has access to a full suite of tools and the expertise to use them effectively. Even if you prefer to use your internal tools, an agency is likely to get up to speed quickly.

This reliance on tools means that if you want a freelancer to use specific software, you’ll need to factor in these additional costs and logistics.

Increased Management Responsibilities for Your Team

Working with a freelancer often requires more hands-on management from your internal team:

  • Oversight Needed: Freelancers work independently, which means they need guidance, feedback, and regular check-ins to ensure their work aligns with your business goals.
  • Time Commitment: Managing a freelancer’s tasks can take time away from your team’s other responsibilities, potentially impacting overall productivity.
  • Less Oversight Compared to Agencies: An SEO agency usually has internal project managers and quality control processes, reducing the amount of oversight needed from your team.

While freelancers can provide valuable support, it’s important to consider the time and effort required to manage them effectively, especially if your team is already stretched thin.

When to Hire an SEO Agency?

Hiring an SEO agency is a significant investment, and it’s important to know when it’s the right time to make that move. Below are the scenarios where choosing an SEO agency can provide the most value for your business.

You Need a Comprehensive SEO Strategy

Hiring an SEO agency is ideal when your business requires a full-spectrum approach to SEO. Agencies have teams with specialists in every area—technical SEO, content creation, and link building—ensuring that all aspects of your strategy are covered. This comprehensive approach is crucial for improving your overall online presence and achieving sustainable growth.

Agencies avoid the fragmentation that can occur when you hire multiple freelancers, each working on a different piece of your SEO puzzle. Instead, the agency team collaborates to deliver a cohesive, integrated strategy.

You Want to Drive Conversions and Measure ROI

If driving conversions is your main goal, a conversion-focused SEO company is the best choice. Unlike freelancers who may focus on specific tasks, agencies track the impact of their work on your revenue and help you calculate ROI.

For example, if an agency helps you generate $80,000 in conversions over a year while charging $24,000, your ROI is 230%. This clear, measurable outcome is a key advantage of working with an agency. Their holistic approach ensures that your SEO efforts directly contribute to your bottom line beyond just increasing traffic.

You Prefer Less In-House Management

An SEO agency reduces the need for in-house management by taking over the entire SEO process. You don’t have to coordinate between different freelancers or worry about whether each task is completed on time.

SEO agencies provide regular updates through brief video calls, during which they explain their keyword choices, report on published content, and discuss any new backlinks or conversions. This streamlined communication allows you to stay informed without getting bogged down in details.

Managing multiple freelancers can be tedious, especially when it involves ensuring that all aspects of SEO are working together. Many businesses find that the time saved by outsourcing to an agency is well worth the investment.

You Need to Scale SEO Quickly

When your business grows or launches new products, an SEO company can quickly scale its efforts to match your needs. Agencies have the resources to increase content production and link-building without the delays that come with hiring more freelancers.

For instance, if you need to ramp up your SEO due to a product launch, an agency can immediately allocate additional resources. This ability to scale seamlessly is one of the major advantages of working with an agency over freelancers.

When to Hire an SEO Freelancer?

While agencies offer a comprehensive approach, there are situations where hiring a freelancer might be the more practical option. Below are the scenarios where bringing in a freelancer makes the most sense.

You Have a Specific SEO Task

Freelancers are a great option when you need help with a specific SEO task, like building backlinks or optimizing certain pages. If you already have an in-house SEO team handling the overall strategy, bringing in a freelancer for targeted tasks can be both time-efficient and cost-effective.

For example, if your team is too busy to handle the tedious work of building backlinks, hiring a freelancer to manage this task can be a practical solution without disrupting your ongoing SEO efforts.

You Want Financial Flexibility

Hiring a freelancer offers more financial flexibility compared to an agency. While agencies often require long-term contracts, freelancers typically work on a project or hourly basis, allowing you to scale your spending according to your needs.

For smaller businesses or those with fluctuating workloads, this flexibility is crucial. You can engage a freelancer for a specific task and then decide whether to continue based on your budget and results without the commitment of an ongoing retainer.

Freelancers can be particularly useful during slower business periods when you may not want to commit to a long-term contract with an agency. This approach allows you to keep costs under control while still addressing your immediate SEO needs.


In the end, choosing between an SEO agency and a freelancer comes down to what your business needs. If you want a well-rounded approach with a team of experts handling every part of your SEO, an agency might be your best bet. They can offer a complete strategy that ties into your overall digital marketing goals.

But if you’re running a smaller business or need something more budget-friendly, a freelancer could be a great fit. They can give you personalized service, quicker responses, and usually at a lower cost. Think about what’s most important for your business and make the choice that best suits your needs and goals.

If you are opting for an SEO agency, our recommendations might ease your selection process.

FAQs on SEO Agency vs Freelancer

1. How can I determine if an SEO agency or freelancer is reliable?

Check their portfolio, client testimonials, and case studies. Look for proven results and industry experience, and ask for references to verify their claims.

2. How can I negotiate the best possible terms with an agency or freelancer?

Clearly outline your goals, expectations, and budget upfront. Compare multiple offers, and don’t hesitate to discuss payment terms, deadlines, and revision policies before signing a contract.

3. How often should I communicate with my SEO agency or freelancer?

Regular communication is key; weekly or bi-weekly check-ins are ideal to track progress, address concerns, and adjust strategies as needed. Ensure they provide you with timely updates and reports

seo agency vs freelancer making the right choice
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